We got it from our mommas

Meet our moms.
Like we said in the newsletter, there’s no mom as cool as your own. And since Mother’s Day is approaching we felt like a little tribute to the coolness of ours. The message? Don’t forget to give back. You can do that on any given day but this particular one we celebrate.
Let’s kick off with the boss-mom of the bunch. Zelda’s mom (right) was a model in the eighties and her smoky eyes were published in several magazines. Zelda: ‘She’s always there for me like a best friend. Her open-mindedness I admire, aside from that she’s just the coolest.’
Rose thought for a second about the question of what she adores about her mom (left) and then said: ‘My mom is the most relaxed and considerate woman I know. It might sound cheesy or generic but I love that about her.’
Shais says about her mom (right): ‘No matter how old I get, whenever I visit her, I feel like a little girl again.’
Lisette describes her mom (left) as honest and bold. ‘I can share anything and everything with her. She taught me to trust my intuition and go for whatever I want to achieve.’
Lenny says her mom(left) is much like a lioness: ‘She’s powerful and strong. She made sure we had everything we needed growing up. AND she’s funny, sweet and she’s always up for a party.’
Isa answers tongue in cheek (right): ‘First of all I’m grateful for the ‘eternal youth’ genes.’ But then gets serious. ‘Secondly, what I think is awesome – in the literal sense of the word – is that she always keeps evolving intellectually and characterwise.’
Mirte about Ricky (right): ‘What I adore about my mom is that she’s tiny and petite, but her clothing and vibe is nor feminine nor manly. Her natural beauty is all you see. And of course, she’s the funniest, sweetest, bestest mom in the whole world.’
Chloë: 'What’s so cool about my mum (left), is that she was a hippie and traveled through Morocco with that typical Volkswagen van, even though she had three little kids by then. She was determined to live a free and loving life, a mindset that inspires me daily.'
Linda: ‘I can always ask her for help, whenever I need her, she’s there. And she remembers the important moments in my life.’
PS: Moms love earrings or anything that shines... Treat your mom and get 15% off everything until May 14th. And last but not least, enjoy Mother's Day together! Check-out code: MOM15