Ilse Weisfelt x The Boyscouts

From tote-bag to pins or painting silos; Ilse Weisfelt doesn’t discriminate when it comes to her canvas. After she graduated four years ago, she sent out Christmas cards to some clients she’d loved to work with. The third time she sent out cards, appeared to be a charm. Publishing house Snor received Ilse’s hand-made pull-out card. Came Spring, they noticed they still had the card on display in their offices and they decided to send her a message saying she made them smile and asked her to illustrate and design a book for them. And that’s how her career took flight.
As a student and a professional she instinctively goes from the one choice to the next. Instead of starting art school right away, she learnt French first after graduating high-school, because she wanted to. She now occasionally joins forces with her boyfriend and six months ago she moved to Rotterdam. At the moment she is discovering the city. ‘I start my day early, I enjoy a long breakfast, next I go to the studio and prioritize my projects. After a day’s work I take time to cook, eat and reset.’
Ilse gives the typical The Boyscouts shapes a new context, and uses new characters who are immersed in city life.
‘Feel-good, subtle and balanced’ is how Ilse describes her style, ‘with a hint of toughness’.
About her outdoor work Ilse says: ‘Paintings on walls or silos are there for everybody to see, that’s what I love about creating work outdoors. Some people are grateful for what you are doing and respond publicly when you’re painting. I love it when my work cheers people up. It’s as simple as that.’